Dermaplaning is the physical exfoliation of the top layer of skin and your peach fuzz along with it. It can be done at a salon, but it is just as easily done at home.

Contrary to popular belief, removing your peach fuzz from you face with a razor will not make your hair grow back thicker or faster. It is simply not true. It will, however, improve the texture of your skin and make your foundation application much smoother and flawless looking. Right after dermaplaning is also a great time to apply a hydrating serum and moisturiser to give your skin an extra boost. Personally, I prefer to to this at night so my serum and moisturizer will really have time to penetrate and sink in.


Dermaplaning removes the top layer of your skin and facial hair that can trap dirt and oil. Not only will it make your foundation application go smoother and look better, it is a fabulous skin care treatment that will improve the texture of your skin. It is a safe & effective exfoliation treatment that allowsWhen you dermaplane, you are removing very, very fine hair called vellus hair. This hair is so thin and soft that removing it with a dermaplaning tool will have little to no impact on how it looks when it grows back. for deeper product penetration, boosting the effects of skin care products. It will help make the skin look and feel smoother and also helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars. I have sensitive skin & rosacea and my skin can tolerate it just fine.

Is Dermaplaning Right for Me?

The beauty of dermaplaning is that it’s non-invasive and there is no downtime! Which also makes it ideal for most skin types, even sensitive. Sometimes if you want an exfoliation but can’t use more intense chemical peels or exfoliating treatments, this is a great option. Or perhaps if you’re pregnant and are avoiding certain ingredients. And sometimes people want to remove hair but can’t handle lasering or waxing.

So it’s pretty much for anyone that wants to get rid of facial hair, dry flakes, or make their skincare products apply better!

But Not for everyone...

That being said, you definitely want to avoid active breakouts, acne, or inflamed areas. If you have some pimples here and there you can just go around of those particular spots and do the rest of your face. You basically just want to make sure you’re not spreading bacteria around or irritating anything that’s trying to heal. If you have severe acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, or a bad sunburn on your face then dermaplaning might not be for you.



A common misconception is that you have to “keep up” with it and once you start, you won’t be able to stop. I mean, you’re gonna be addicted, but you certainly don’t HAVE to keep it up. You can literally dermaplane once and never do it again. 

I personally dermaplane every 6-6 weeks which is really relaxed, but that’s usually when I notice that my facial hair has grown back to normal, but you can definitely do it more frequently (up to once/twice a week). I also like to shave when I notice dry, flaky patches of skin or my makeup looking patchy and cakey:).


For those of you wondering if dermaplaning will make your hair grow back thicker and darker, I'm happy to confirm that IT'S A MYTH! Since dermaplaning doesn’t hurt your hair follicles, your facial hair will grow back exactly as it was before.

When you dermaplane, you are removing very, very fine hair called vellus hair. This hair is so thin and soft that removing it with a dermaplaning tool will have little to no impact on how it looks when it grows back.

Your hair will just grow back to normal if you stop shaving. The razor makes a blunt tip, so it might *appear* like the hair is growing thicker for a short period of time, but once it gets a bit longer, you’ll see that it’s the same! Nothing is happening to the hair follicles themselves. You aren’t going to have a 5 o’clock shadow or anything, don’t worry!